Skrevet af Dan d. Juni 11 2007 22:09:57
Family name : Schøler
First names : Dan Fredslund
Date of birth : February 9th, 1975
Nationality: Danish
Civil status : Single

[Date from - Date to] (Institution) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

[2015] (MSF lægeruden grænser) -
Logistic Management Course, (LMC)

[2015] (MSF lægeruden grænser) -
Hospital Managment, Team Training (HMTT)

[2013] (MSF lægeruden grænser) -
Basic Logistic course (BLoC)

[2012] (MSF lægeruden grænser) -
Preparation Pimary Daparture (PPD)

[2010] (Dansk Brandteknisk institut) -
ABA+ABDL installatør (Brand 1+2)

[2009] (vejle tekniske skole) -
AIA instalatør, security

[24/8-2005 - 3/2-2006] (Engineering College of Aarhus ( - Civil and Constructional Engineering)
50 ECTS – Civil ingenering.
Basic Mechanics, Construction Management, Construction Physics and Materials, Science, Environmental Theory, Geology, Fluid Dynamics, Foundations, Structural Systems, Technical Services

[15/1-2001 – 27/8 2004] (Engineering College of Aarhus ( - Communication and Information Technology)
40 ECTS – Information and Connunication teknolegy
Basic Physic, Mathematics, Programming, Digital Systems, Electronics, Data-Communication, Micro-processors, Signal Processing

[8/8-1999 - 15/1-2001] (Admission Course - to the Engineering College of Aarhus (
High school
Equal to High School

[3/8-1992 – 2/8-1996] (Technical College of Jutland)
Electrician -
specialized in Lighting and Power technology
[/8-1982 - /7-1992] (Lower Secondary Schooling (Folkeskolen))
Lower Secondary School

Language skills :
Indicated competences on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Danish 1 1 2
English 3 2 3
German 5 5

Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)
IT- knowledge, basic economical knowledge, communication and leadership skills (see e.g. my position as a board member at Student Union for Students of Engineering in Denmark from 2002-2005)

Present position:
2014 to present: Konsultant at (RegionMidt)
2018 to present: Kredsleder, (FDF Hørning)
2020 to present: Direction member, (Borgmestergaarden)

Key qualifications:
Educated as an electrician, working as a technician and as a board member (at a variety of student organizations) during my studies, I have acquired depth knowledge on the dynamics of the Danish education-industry relationship. Furthermore, my time as a board member, has taught me how to make different interest groups, with different agendas, work together.

Professional experience:

[Date from - Date to] (Location) -Company-

[14/04 2016-> present ] (DK, Århus) -RegionMidt-
: Consultant :
Responsible for the logistik parts regarding merge of north europe's biggest hospital from 5 locations to one. Projektmanager on all logistic regarding new construction and rebuild on Aarhus University Hospital (AUH).

[10/05 2015-> 10/04-2016] (India, Dehli) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistic Coordinator :
Responsible for all MSF-B Logistic activityes in the country.

[15/01 2015-> 15/03-2015] (Liberia, Monrovia) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Base Logistician :
Responsible for the activities in the coordination. manly fleet (50+ cars) and housing of 60 ex-pats.

[22/10 2014-> 21/12-2014] (Liberia, Monrovia) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Base Logistician :
Responsible for the activities in the coordination. manly fleet (50+ cars) and housing of 60 ex-pats.

[16/10 2013-> 15/5-2014] (Syria, all over) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistician :
Responsible for all logistic activities related to the re-operation and running of one of the MSF-facilities in northern Syria.

[29/10 2013-> 15/11-2013] (Libanon, Beruth) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistic Support :
Accesmenet of the LogCo position (need analyses) and support to implement supply tools.

[10/9 2012-> 19/7-2013] (Afghanistan, Khost) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistic Focal Point :
Responsible for all logistic activities related to the operation of MSF-Khost Maternity.
Responsible for coordinating of the Log Team activities incl. Security, Construction, supply and maintenance.

[7/1 2012-> 11/7-2012] (South Sudan, Pibor) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistic Focal Point :
Responsible for all logistic activities related to The operation of Pibor MSF Public Healthcare Center, MSF Public Healthcare Unit in Leukuangule and Gumuruk.
Responsible for coordinating of the Log Team activities for Pibor and outreach Clinics, construction, WatSan and Logistics including AirOPS.

[1/4 2011-> 4/11-2011] (Afghanistan, Kunduz) -MSF Læger uden grænser-
: Logistic Base :
Responsible for all logistic activities related to Trauma Centre outside of the hospital, including guest houses, offices, warehouse and supply. The Trauma Centre involved massive rehabilitation, recruit and train of the whole log time to for fill the needs at the Trauma Centre.

[2006-> 26/4-2011] (Birkemosevej 23, 8361 Hasselager, DK) -Rosborg-
Intelligent House Controls (implementing) and domestic building, burglary alarms, fire alarms, implementing and programming of telephone centrals.

[2005-2006] (DK, Aarhus) -Engineering College of Aarhus ( - Civil and Constructional Engineering-
Studying: Basic Mechanics, Construction Management, Construction Physics and Materials, Science, Environmental Theory, Geology, Fluid Dynamics, Foundations, Structural Systems, Technical Services

[2001-2005] (DK, Copenhagen) -The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA - Labor market comity-
:Board member:
Formulating The Danish Society of Engineers Labor market policy.

[2005-2006] (DK, Copenhagen) -The Advisory Council for Medium-cycle professional qualifications (MVU-rådet)-
:Board member:
An advisory council under the minister of education on issues concerning the college sector i.e. the professionally oriented higher education.

[2002-2005] (DK, Copenhagen) -Student Union for Students of Engineering in Denmark (SRDK)-
:Chairman (2004-2005), Deputy-chairman (2003-2004), Board member (2002-2004).
SRDK is a student union representing 4500 members from 6 university colleges and the university of southern Jutland. SRDK’s role is securing the students study politically, professionally, economically as well as their social interests towards the interests of the public authorities and the boards of the schools/universities. In addition, SRKD insures that the students are represented, heard and listened to through a strong interest organization. SRDK has a yearly budget of 300.000€.

[2003- ] (DK, Copenhagen) -DUK, Danish youth housing association-
:chairman (2004-2005), Board member (2003-):
The purpose of this fond is to create opportunities for students building new dorms. This involves negotiation with financial partners.

[2002-2005] (Around Scandinavia) -Student Unions of Nordic Technical Universities (SUNTU)-
SUNTU is where engineering students from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Denmark meet and discuss engineering education in the Nordic countries.

[2003-2005] (Around Europe) -European Society For Engineering Education (SEFI)-
SEFI is the largest network of higher engineering institutions and of individuals involved in engineering education in Europe.
SEFI has the mission to contribute to the development and the improvement of the engineering education in Europe.
SEFI is the first example of an association directly linking the institutions of higher engineering education, hence independent of national and/or community filters in establishing its policy, as an international forum for discussing problems and identifying solutions relating to engineering education.

[2001-2004] (DK, Aarhus) -Engineering College of Aarhus ( - Communication and Information Technology-
Studying: Basic Physic, Mathematics, Programming, Digital Systems, Electronics, Data-Communication, Micro-processors, and Signal Processing.
NB: Spent too much time on student politics and had to drop out

[2000-2003] (DK, Aarhus) -The Student Union of Engineering College of Aarhus (
:Board member(2000-2001), Treasurer (2001-2003):
The student union has the purpose to help the students with e.g. complaints, ensuring a positive student environment on campus and that the education as a whole is in top (inspecting curricula and study plans).
The student union has 99% of the students as paying members and a trade of 100.000€ a year.

[1999-2001] (DK, Aarhus) -Admission Course-
In Denmark you cannot go directly from a Vocational education to a higher education, without having an Upper Secondary School Examination.

[1999] (Europe, Middle east) -Travelling-
On the back of a truck from London (UK) to Kathmandu (Nepal)

[1998] (DK, Aarhus) -Rosborg-
Building of a Granary, including automatics, light and power

[1997-1998] (DK, Aarhus) -DanPro-
Industrial installations varying from montage to service on machines

[1992-1997] (DK, Aarhus) -Rosborg-
(1992-1996) Vocational training, mostly domestic building, (1996) Domestic building mostly residential, (1996-1997) laying cables in bigger office environments

[1989-2001] (DK, Aarhus) -FDF (Boy Scouts association)-
Leader for kids ranging from 7 to 16 years of age.

Other relevant information: (e.g. Publications)
In my spare time, I use a lot of hours in front of my PC, working on web pages and schematics for patent applications, and gaming WOW